Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A tune for one-row learners

Here is a tune that I learned fairly early on, from the excellent instructional video by Denis Pepin (out of print).  I can't recall the name of the tune, and because I don't have a VHS player set up, I can't simply refer to the video.  The tune is traditional.

In the recording, I am playing a Melodie in D with only the clarinet reeds (MM+) for clarity.

And a direct link to the MP3 here.


  1. This is great. I finally got motivated to download some slowdown software and am working on this tune. I look forward to more.

  2. Brandon,
    I'm glad that you found it helpful.
    There are a number of slow-down options -- I highly recommend "Transcribe" by 7th String Software.

  3. Yes, I first tried the free Audacity program, but found it a bit tedious. After reviewing comments on melodeon.net, including yours, I got Transcribe and I agree that its just about perfect for the purpose.

  4. Reel du Semeur or Les Bottes Sauvages!

  5. Vonnie,
    Merci, I now recall that "Reel du Semeur" was the title as I learned it. I'm at the point where I don't remember the names of the tunes (too busy trying to recall other things!).
